Meet the Board of Trustees

At St. Thomas’s Day School, the Board of Trustees is comprised of both elected and ex officio members. The elected Trustees include parents, alumni, Church and community representatives and the ex officio members consist of the Head of School, the Rector of St. Thomas’s Episcopal Church, and the St. Thomas’s Episcopal Church Warden.

The Board of Trustees’ primary responsibilities are to establish policy, to provide a strategic direction and support the Head of School and ensure financial stewardship. Each year the Board sets and approves the budget as a financial expression of policy decisions.

The full Board of Trustees meets monthly throughout the school year. Much of the work of the Board of Trustees is done by committee. There are five standing committees:  Executive, Finance, Development, Safety and Standards, and Governance. Other committees are appointed as needed, for example the Facility/Property, Diversity, and Strategic Planning committees.