St. Thomas’s Day School is a place that educates children broadly by cultivating intelligence while engaging heart and spirit.

Your support enables us to offer the rich, broad-based educational experience that characterizes St. Thomas’s Day School. We depend upon the generosity of our community to sustain and advance the mission and programs of the school. A quality educational program relies on other sources of revenue in addition to tuition. There are several components of fundraising at St. Thomas’s Day School:  the Annual Fund, Endowment and other events directed by the Board of Trustees.

Annual Fund Campaign

The Annual Fund campaign is a yearly fundraising effort, primarily for unrestricted gifts. Everyone in the St. Thomas’s community is included in the Annual Fund campaign. These contributions are spent in the same fiscal year in which the gift is made. Since most gifts to the St. Thomas’s Annual Fund are unrestricted, the School has the flexibility to use the funds in those areas that are critical to maintaining and enhancing the quality of our program. The School’s fiscal year runs from July 1 – June 30 and the Annual Fund campaign is initiated in the fall of each year. The Annual Fund helps close the gap between tuition and the full cost of educating a student.

Areas where the Annual Fund helps most:

  • New program initiatives
  • Technology and Library resources
  • Financial aid
  • Competitive compensation for faculty and staff
  • Student activities
  • Professional development

To make an online gift to the Annual Fund using our secure server, please click here.


The Endowment contributes to the financial strength of the school. Money given to the Endowment is held in perpetuity. Income earned from investing the Endowment is used as a source of revenue for the annual operating budget. The amount of Endowment earnings that can be spent is determined by the Board of Trustees of St. Thomas’s Day School.

Make a Gift Online

Thank you for your support of St. Thomas’s Day School. Your new gift, pledge, or pledge payment will be made via our secure server. We will send you an immediate confirmation of your gift. Please contact Director of Institutional Advancement Danielle Higgins at or 203-776-2123 with any questions.


Send your gift made payable to
St. Thomas’s Day School Annual Fund to:

St. Thomas’s Day School
Development Office
830 Whitney Avenue
New Haven, CT  06511